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Customer Experience (CX) has been a growing priority for companies in the search for greater customer satisfaction and loyalty that results in benefits for the company.
However, many companies make the same mistake: approaching the customer experience as a silo, leaving aside other experiences that also impact business results.
Faced with this problem, the concept of Total Experience(*), one of the booming trends for companies in 2022. An approach that invites CX to evolve, already driven by the world's leading brands to differentiate themselves from their competitors.
By 2026, 60% of large companies will apply Total Experience to transform their business models and achieve high levels of customer and employee loyalty.

What is Total Experience?
The Total Experience (TX) is a business strategy that integrates several concepts to accelerate business growth:
-Customer Experience (CX)
-Employee Experience (EX)
-User Experience (UX)
-Multiexperience (MX)
By taking a TX approach, experiences are managed holistically regardless of the person's role in or for the organization. In this way, TX helps increase trust, satisfaction and loyalty not only for customers but also for employees.
This is achieved by interconnecting the four components: CX, EX, UX and MX.
Traditionally, these areas are worked on separately, with teams dedicated to each of these, even knowing the impact that one has on the other.
To illustrate it in a simple way: an agent who is happy at work will provide better care and will strive to make the customer smile.
However, when companies plan tactics to improve CX and plan the best touchpoints to streamline CX, EX isn't always considered. At the same time, UX and MX are often conceived as separate items, more linked to technology than to the people who use them.
All of these elements impact TX. The key is to see these experiences as a framework composed of different “moments of truth”: points in the Customer Journey where a key event occurs and an opinion about the brand is formed. Instances where your brand can shine and make interested parties fall in love; or on the contrary, annoy, push them away or lose them.
TX impact on every component of the experience

When experiences are disintegrated
Let's look at an example where the TX approach would raise the quality of the operation in a contact center that provides support:
A customer is having trouble connecting to the Internet during a holiday, so the contact center has a third of the staff available. The only channel enabled to make claims is the telephone.
The person spends 40 minutes waiting to speak, and with each passing minute their frustration and anger grow. These emotions have a negative impact on the agent, who must dedicate energy to appeasing the customer while seeking a solution to the technical problem. Added to the work overload due to the shortage of staff on the holiday.
In addition, the agent must transfer the claim to the technical area, causing a longer waiting time and increasing customer frustration. Neither the customer nor the operator has an interface that allows them to resolve the problem quickly or even better, Self-manage it.
How do you achieve a Total Experience?

Let's do the exercise of resolving the situation from a TX approach:
The first thing is to attend to MX, incorporating other channels of interaction where CX is more pleasant and fluid. For example, if you have data on your mobile phone, you could manage your claim via WhatsApp or WebChat with a bot that gives you instructions to try to solve it yourself. If you still need instructions from an agent, the bot lets you know how long until an operator is available.
If the complaint is made over the phone, self-service can be provided through an IVR with an automated call back system (indicating in advance how long it will take to call you).
With this approach, we managed to achieve that from minute one, The claim is entered and the customer perceives willingness to help, impacting the CX. At the same time Is it impacted on the EX while agents only receive previously filtered calls or interactions, since they have all the available information on the case and are responsible for the interactions where they provide the most value.
This change is achieved Leveraging UX for agents and customers to access self-service portals from multiple devices, and to work with technology that allows them to solve steps on their own. By empowering EX and CX with technology and MX, we came to the state of TX.

A consistent construction experience
How to start incorporating TX into your company? Gartner recommends form multidisciplinary teams in the company. An effective method is to continuously improve UX and MX capabilities, which will inevitably impact CX and EX.
Creating TX involves consolidating teams that are also “total”. In other words, those responsible for initiatives related to experience are jointly responsible for solving the combined needs of customers and employees.
One thing that experts highlight is that TX is not a one-off strategy or the answer to a specific problem. On the contrary, it refers to an approach that involves several areas within the company, more partners and suppliers to deliver the best experience to customers and employees.

Are you looking for a solution to improve your Total Experience? Let's talk